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It’s no secret that Apollon Nutrition makes some damn good tasting protein powder. Hell, our 50/50 Formula-X Protein Blend is constantly discussed as one of the best tasting proteins on the market.
But, we’re never satisfied with maintaining success. We’re always striving for more -- better products, better flavors, better prices, etc.
With that mindset, we cast our gaze on the supplement industry and zeroed in on a niche of the market sorely in need of the Apollon Treatment.
That niche is none other than egg protein powder.
Yes, there are egg protein powders available. They’ve been around for years, and some even like to call themselves the “perfect” or “proven.”
The reality is that most of the egg protein powders on the market are overly salty and/or “eggy” tasting.
Not any more…
EGG-CELLENT is nature’s “perfect” protein done right…the Apollon way!
Whey protein has been viewed as the “gold standard” for protein powder for decades. And, it’s hard to argue with that. Whey protein digests quickly, offers high bioavailability, contains all the essential amino acids needed for muscle recovery & growth and tastes delicious.
But, here’s the thing…
Egg protein also is a complete protein, offers high bioavailability, has a high leucine content, supports muscle recovery, tastes great, and digests efficiently.
The BIG upside is that egg protein contains NO LACTOSE, making it the perfect option for those who cannot tolerate even the miniscule amounts of lactose that are in whey protein isolate. Besides, even if you can tolerate dairy well, swapping up your protein sources throughout the day can be beneficial.
If you’re ready to expand your horizons and see how a truly egg-ceptional protein powder that’s not made with dairy can taste, then grab your tub now and be ready to have your tastebuds blown away!