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The science is convincing: during intense training, your energy soures—both ATP and creatine phosphate—are depleted. ATP is synthesized by inosine hypoxanthine riboside (inosine HXR) and creatine monohydrate. These nutrients combine to rapidly replenish your stores of creatine phosphate (CP).
Also, the breakdown of amino acids for energy causes toxic ammonia to build up in your blood. Glutamic acid, when combined with vitamin B6, interacts with the ammonia forming L-Glutamine... and completely removes it! Whats more, your body needs extra L-Glutamine to neutralize the catabolic effect of cortisol, which rises as a result of intense training.
Imagine an energy-improving, anti-catabolic effect and better mental focus all wrapped up in one powerful performance nutriceutical and you have Dr. Fred Hatfield's original Anaerobic Power!